Monday 22 February 2010

The most significant change in the nature of Diplomacy?

After searching in the Oxford English Dictionary, the meaning of “diplomat” and “ambassador” was the same “an important official who represents his or her government in a foreign country”.

From here I could deduce that the history of the Diplomacy even Before Christ did not change its basic meaning. If not replace the word “change” with “evolution”, I would state that the significant change in the nature of Diplomacy is the evolution of the human thinking.

On the first hand, the development of the media and communication technologies benefited for the establishment of the principle of open diplomacy. Furthermore the foundation of the human rights and liberties as treaties, conventions and even as part of the “international law” (I prefered to put it in brackets because of the disagreements of its existence) binding on the countries signing them , expression of the liberal thinking, gave the right to the citizens to know about the public affairs their country is involved in.

But following the idea of Ernest Satow that after the World War II and until the collapse of the Soviet Union “new and old diplomacy coexisted” (Robert; 2009:15) it could be added that this is the case even today. Despite the power of the mass media some aspects of the “high politics” could not be reached by the public. This situation is likely to be designated as secrecy which is an aspect of the old diplomacy.

On the other hand, the comprehension that not only war but also cooperation among the states may be regarded as an evolution for the new diplomacy. For instance, the USA reached its economic growth via the idea of cooperation in expanding its economy exports creating an open market and free trade at the same time as fulfilling its self-interest of hegemonic desire.

But it is not really new because diplomacy was used to express the sates’ self-interest huger through war. What is new is the understanding to replace the war with cooperation.

Thanks to the evolution of the human thinking the cooperation started to alter the relations among states, the respect of human rights and liberties were codified, non-state actors emerged partly as a consequence of this cooperation among the countries which transformed the diplomacy to a practice more overt to the citizens of these countries.


  1. I strongly agree with what you mentioned about human thinking. It is logical, I am surprise I did not think about it earlier as it can be argue that the more human grow the more changes, the more we expand our knowledge and our thinking.Good one Irina

  2. Dear Yoana
    You mentioned that the new diplomacy is open and without secrecy. Let me elaborate on this.
    Do u think that u know the real reason behind the invation of Iraq and Afghanistan? Or what really happened on 9/11?(1) There are so many mistakes in official versions and evidence is gradually coming up about what was really behind it. look at 1953 in Iran when the USA secretly help the dictator Shah into power, same in Chile (Pinochet) and other south American countries and other countries around the world (2). u mentioned the evolution of human thinking. Is the high rate of divorce, very full prisons, torture of prisoners and humiliating them, very high consumption of alcohol and basically the loss of moral values in western countries, a sign of highly civilized people??? (3) I doubt that. maybe there are less wars now but the near future does not seem very bright...

    1)blueprint for truth 9/11:
    2)the war on democracy:

  3. Dear Louky,
    I have mentioned that the new and old diplomacy coexist nowadays therefore open and secret diplomacy as controversial as it could seem are currently viable.
    Regarding the second point, I would argue that the liberal democraties give freedom of their citizens and as a result every individual choose either to evolve in the society like me and you or to go against the law and not to develop him or her self in a positive way or as you mentioned morally.
    Thirdly, regarding the 9/11, there is many theories about what has happened and this I could argue is an example of the use of open and secret diplomacy- because we know something, but is this the reality?!
